Saturday, February 12, 2011

Solution to 'Why Is My Computer So Slow?'

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When you bought a computer did you notice just how fast everything was and how efficient it performed everything? I'm sure you did. Unfortunately, as we all know this doesn't last long! After a few months everything starts to slow down leaving us puzzled and asking 'why is my computer so slow?'
The speed and efficiency of your system will drop dramatically no matter how fantastic your computer was claimed to be by the sales merchant. Thankfully, you don't need to throw your computer out as there are ways to make your computer run fast again. There are a number of factors which contribute to your computer being so slow highlighted below as well as solutions to each.
Why is My Computer So Slow - Hard Drive Maintenance
Increasing the number of pictures, videos, music etc. on your computer can cause your hard drive to run slower. The reason for this is that files on your system are saved everywhere which means that it can take time to locate and load them. To fix this I highly recommend you defragment your computer.
To do this go to Start Menu

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